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Forge of Empires: iPad Player Guide (Trade)

7 - Trade

So, the sixth tab on your menu looks like an auction hammer, this is your market where you can trade goods. As mentioned earlier you will win goods boosts on your continent map. There are 5 goods every era that you can construct buildings to produce. But you will only get 2 goods boosts each era. Ideally you want to produce the goods you have a boost for. With no boost a goods building will make you 1 good per 4 hours. With a boost your goods building will make 5 goods per 4 hours. So you see producing with no boost is not ideal. You can use trade, to trade for other goods you need. 

When you open trade by tapping it you will be here:

You can see all trades which have been posted by players who are in your neighbourhood, guild, and friends list. To take a trade from a guild member is free, but to trade with friends or neighbours will cost 1 forge point per trade; the player taking the trade pays the forge point.

The second tab is create offer, here you can place trades from your goods stocks for others you need. You will select the good to trade, and the good you need, enter the amounts, then post your trade.


You will now be able to see your current trade in the third tab, your current offers. As will all other players in your neighbourhood, guild and friends lists.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to see who posted the trade when using the app? It makes it very difficult to find specific trades by friends.


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