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Forge of Empires: iPad Player Guide (Continent Map)

4 - Continent Map

So next is your continent map, the third icon along which looks like a small compass, this is where you will discover new lands! I will add a screen shot here of the first map you will start a new game on, you can see on this image that the province is in red - this means the province is not yet owned. 


Within each province are smaller sectors, each sector you will need to either negotiate, which is to pay goods instead of fighting, or fight a battle to win the sector. Fighting will also gain you battle points towards your PvP tournament, and add points to your personal player score. Here is another image; within this province there are 3 sectors. One is green to show owned, and two still need to be conquered and are still red.


Once you have fought/negotiated all sectors you win that province on the map.


You will now see new options to scout new lands, though you can only perform one scout at a time, and while the scout is scouting, you won't be able to see any other scouting options until complete. Here I have added two images, one showing before the scout, and one showing the scout in action.



Just like the tech tree has ages you move through, the continent map works the same way. You will start in Bronze age, and as you open more lands you will move into new ages on the map. Later you will use ships and planes to discover new lands!

Each province holds a different reward; some will give you goods boosts, some will reward you coins and supplies, expansions to place in your city, and also the PvP towers are unlocked on the continent map. 

Some ages also have a bonus map added. These offer you other bonus prizes, as well as things like extra medals and other resources. Not all bonus maps are released as yet - so there is still more to come :)

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