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Forge of Empires: iPad Player Guide (General layout)

9 - General layout

Along the bottom of the screen you have your menu bar which we covered in the previous sections of this guide. 

In the bottom right is an icon with three houses which can be used to access friends, neighbours and guild lists.

To the top left of the screen you have small boxes containing your quests - follow these as they will guide you through the game, some are optional and can be skipped.

Along the top of the page, starting from left to right:

Global Ranking - Currently you can see what number you are ranked among the players of is world. When you tap the ranking though this wont open as yet until the full global ranking is released. When available, you will be able to view all players on the same world.

Population - this number tells you how many free population you have. If you tap here, it will open a small window telling you what total population is, and how much free population you have a able to use.

Next along is the smiley face - you want to keep this gold all the time, as this means your townspeople are enthusiastic which gives you a 120% boost your productivity. All coin and supplies buildings will produce more, and when you fight you will receive more points also. Again, tap the face for more detailed information.

Beside the smiley face, is your forge point bar. You accrue 1 forge point per hour to a total of 10. You can buy more forge points by tapping the small plus sign on the bar. Forge points are used to open all your technologies, donating to great buildings, and paying for trades.

Then you can see your coin, supplies and medal balances that you have, and finally the last column is diamonds. You do win diamonds from some quests but these are rare. You can also purchase diamonds by pressing the small plus side beside. On iPad the only current method is via iTunes.

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